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The News

The word news comes from North,East,West and South. It means that the news are always gathered from all over the world. Now the time has changed completely. Now we are able to know all the news immediately. It is very easy for us to hear the news even from the remote part of the world. The facilities have developed in such a way that even a lay man can say what is happening and where.
It helps to upgrade our knowledge without any difficulties. We have to be thankful to the news providers. Just because of the awareness of the people, it becomes very important for the news providers to update all the news as soon as it happens. This particular attitude of the people to have knowledge of the happenings of the world is welcome. This provides job opportunites for many people. All the news providers have their reporters everywhere in the world and get the news atonce.
But at the same time, we should be very cautious about updating knowledge. Some of the reporters may give the news in anticipation, which would not occur. We have to confirm all the news that we hear. It is the responsiblity of the reporters to send the news correctly without any modifications.
Now, the habit of reading news papers is rapidly coming down. To gain popularity and glammour some news papers may provide some messages in total without going deep into the subject. Of course, that is the way of presenting the news in news papers. When they heard a news, first they work on the presentation aspect. It is more important for them to present the news in such a way that many readers would be urged to read that news.
So, it is our duty to go through the news fully and confirm it. The televisions provide us the news very fast, most of the times, live. When we see something with our own eyes,it is possible for us to beleive what they say. Here also, there would be some difference. The persons who are involved in the news must be very careful in presenting the statements. They should stick to their words. This particular point, is very important. It is always a problem for the television news providers. Sometimes, the persons who give the statements say that it is not correct.
In this fast world, it is highly difficult to get a news from a releiable source. All the news providers are working hard in this subject to present the exact and accurate news. We can not blame the reporters for the false news, since it is in our hands to confirm the news. There are many leading television news service providers and news papers who are providing us with the correct informations. We should be very grateful to them.

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