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The Bible
(A M R)

The bible is a book made up of two main parts:the old and the new testaments.The old testament contains 39 books and the new testament 27books.The first book is said to have been written near 1657BC and the last one near 61AD.Near 40 men shared in the writting of the bible .the old testament was writen in hebrew while the new one in arameen.It is acepted by almost everybody and even proven scientifically that the bible is the word of GOD,for some events have been announced in it that happened many cennturies later,most of the places ,cities ,countries and seas named in the bible can be located exactly as it was described and many archeologic discoveries have proved the living near the time mentionned in the bible of some famous characters of the bible like Jesus,Abraham,Moses,Pharaoh,etc
The bible treats of all aspects of humans being life:religious laws,family and civil code,historical events,the creation of the universe,the prescriptions to be happy in this world and to get a great reward in the hereafter.Nethertheless we have to say that the bible has been corrupted and falsified,for it contains many contradictions among which we can mention the numbers of generation between Jesus and David
,the number of Gods that they are(deut 6.4 and 1John5.7 ) is GOD Peacable(Isaiah 2:4 and Exodus 15:3 and Joel 3:9-10 ) , should we own slaves() ,has anyone seen GOD(john 1.18 and genesis 32.30 and exodus 33.11) ,when was Jesus crucified() ,should we obey the law() ,etc,,, All this make it difficult to follow the whole bible,so to know the truth we must read the final scripture of GOD that came after the bible and that is mathematiclly coded ,consequently can not be falsified,the quran.

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- Bible

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