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Avoid Coffee

Coffee is the most popular drink in the world. Over 80 per cent of the people are using coffee in many countries. We have cultivated the habit of drinking coffee as soon as we get up from our bed. Many people are having bed coffee. This is not good for our health. We think and feel that we get the fressness as soon as we drink coffee and because of the briskness provided by the coffee, we start to work very actively. But the fact is that it spoils our nerveous system. It is just only a feeling that the coffee is doing something inside our body to make us fresh. There are more than hundred types of coffee available in this world. Some types are really strong and it is very harmful to our health. It would always be better for us to have some other drinks. Other than coffee. Tea is a little better than coffee. But it is better to avoid tea also. We have some health drinks which would be useful to the body. But, it is a very difficult thing to stop drinking coffee once, we have the practice of drinking coffee. The coffee that we drink eliminates water from our body and creates unwanted problems. We can find some other ways to reduce the destructions created by drinking coffee. In the first stage, we can reduce the quantity of the coffee and add more milk to the coffee, so that the strength of the coffee would be reduced. If we start to drink like this, day by day the urge to drink coffee would be reduced considerably and after some time, even we would not be interested in drinking coffee at all. We have to understand that the substance in the coffee, cofin is a poisonous one and injurious to our health. Of course, let coffin come, when it comes. But we don't have to invite it by drinking coffee.

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