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Though we have many different styles of swimming, only a few people know how to swim. But everybody wants to learn swimming. It is one of the ways to escape from the problems with water. There are five elements in this world. They are land, water, air, fire and the sky. Anything may happen any time from these natural elements. It is always better to learn the art of swimming while we are young. It the responsiblities of the parants to teach their children. They must make them to learn the art of swimming. It is always safer to know the swimming, even when we travel by flight. If you know swimming, you can do wonders. It controls the breath and regularaise the heart beatings. It is very good for the heart. In the begining stage, this should be taught in a swimming pool, which is not very deep. Once the boy gains the experience, the depth is not a concern. You are going to swim always above the water level irrespective of the depth of the water. It would be very useful to save others also. It improves the digesting power in the body and makes you to eat regularly. It is not possible for a student to learn by himself. There are different technics in swimming in various waters. Swimming in a pool is entirely different from swimming in a sea. So you have to know all the methods of swimming. If you don't know how to swim, just start to day to learn the art. It will not take more than three months to learn perfectly. It is your life saver. Do not postpone it.

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