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All the birds in the forest had a meeting to decide the leader for them. Many birds participated in the meeting and explained about the importance of them. First the crow said, I am cleaning all the forest. I never eat alone. I always work for the unity. So it would be appropriate for me to be the leader. Then the kuil said, It is not necessary for me to tell about myself. Every one knows about the sweet voice that I have. I can talk very sweetly and kindly. I feel I would be suitable for the leadership. Then the peacock said, I have specialized my dance. No one can dance like me with grace and beauty. I can attract everyone. So I should be the leader. Then the king fisher said, I can fly very fast and I am very energitic. I can do all the jobs in no time. So feel I am capable of leading. The wood peaker said, As you know, I can make a number of wholes in any tree any size. At the time of emeregency I can save all of you by providing houses. They started to discuss about the messages given by the birds. They could not come to any conclusions. They were confused. In the end, they decided to go to the eagle, which did not participate in the meeting. All of them went to the eagle's home and informed him about the problem and requested him to select a leader for them. The eagle said, Please give me sometime for me to think. I will answer after an hour. All the birds were waiting for his decission. After an hour, the eagle said, I went thro' all the informations provided by you. It is a difficult job to find who is better. Each one of you are having a special quality which others do not have. So, I feel that there is no need of a leader as long as you do your job. When God created us, He has given a special quality to each of us. We have to use it in the proper way. At any stage, we should not our individuality.

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