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En Attendant Godot - Waiting For Godot
(Beckett, Samuel)


Samuel Becket's Waiting For Godot has been a revolution in the drama of the modern era. The play was originally written in French in the year,1952, and since then it has always managed to surprise audiences.Till then the dramas were basically either a tragedy like the Shakespearean tragedy or a comedy like Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion. But though there were instances of satires that included comical situations in tragic circumstances, never has both features been combined to give us a new genre called "tragicomedy" In the 18th century Dr.Samuel Johnson aptly defined tragicomedy as "drama compounded of merry and serious events".
What makes Waiting For Godot even more unique id s the favxtct that it is an avante garde palay.An avante garde play is one which has certain features that stand out and make a distinct difference, when compared to aother plays.Some of its distinct feeatures are:
1) The austere stage setting: The only stage settings that is found in this play is;
a) an open road
b)amound of earth
Considering the fact that most ofBecket's plays have very little settings his WAITING FOR GODOT has even less.When compared to other plays of his times which had extravagant and elaborate stage settings and decorations, his bare stage and its scarce settings comes as a rude shock? or a pleasant surprise!
2) The Protagonist--- The Common Man (Tramp): There was a complete transformation in the role of the protagonist from the Shakespearean kings and princes to a doctor in Dr Faustus to professors in Pygmalion to a tramp in Waiting For Godot.Thus we see how the stage setting compplement the characters.
3)Lack of Progress or Movement: There is a sense of stagnancy in the play. Firstly the entire eaction takes place at one place.Hence there is actually no need for a variation in stage setting.Secondly there is no movement or transition either in the plot or in the condition ot the protagonist.The play does not move from a particular siituation to either a higher or lower plane.
4)Lacking in Plot, Structure,Story and Linguistic feature: As there is no plot there is no development in the story. Conventionally a story has a beginning that grows into a climax and finally leads to a settlement.But here in the play the ending is just in the same place as the beginning. So a lack of story or any movement does not demand any language needs.So the linguistic features too remain very common.
Hence, Samuel Becket's play Waliting For Godot is definitely Avante Garde play with all its features found in the play.

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- En Attendant Godot - Waiting For Godot

- Waiting For Godot

- En Attendant Godot - Waiting For Godot

- Waiting For Godot

- En Attendant Godot - Waiting For Godot

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