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A Light Of The World

The birth of man cannot be a concidence. According to dispensation, a man obtains all skills which are related to life by the age of 30. A man spends another 30 years as a member of society and supported by one's children the rest of his life until heaven. It is the most common life pattern. Most people never realize the pattern of life they are in because the realization of life pattern can be caused one to lose one's true purpose in life. Anyhow, a man's life can be a substantial identity with negligible regardless of a civilization. A successful life requires the money, power, reputation; otherwise, one will live a mediocrity. It is important to know or find the true meaning or purpose in life. This will drive one's life. Let me introduce a imoportant life secret. 2000 years ago, Jesus came to earth to change people from mediocrity to success. Jesus was a friend to the outcast, homeless, and sick to teach the secret of heaven which is beyond our mediocrity life.
He made them realize that the eternal life has a purpose and meaning. His unfailing love is a key to the eternal life. A man's life can be compared as climbing a mountain of love. this climbing requires a faith and a hope is what makes it happen. Ultimately, Faith, Hope, and Love will become a light to those mediocrities.

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