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Free Time

There is lot of free time to a person who doesn?t have any thing to do. Or the people who decided nothing to do anything. Like similar there was a village called krishnapuram a small village near tamilnadu. India.

Three of the old people use to come and meet each other and speak with an open heart.
One of the old man said I am quite ok, I was smoking daily 20 pockets cigars in my young age that is the reason I get this sort of cough. But still ok I am 79 years now.

Another one said I had the habit of drinking, there for I could not eat more that ended in stomach pain. I am old now 75 years.

The third one looked at this two, with burning cigarette, and told this two people. I am even now smoking 20 pocket cigarettes a day and two bottles of beer and 90 ml. of brandy and I do not have any of your problems and quite ok, even this evening also I will be drinking too.

The other two people asked how old you are; He said I am 25 years.

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