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Five Point Someone
(Chetan Bhagat; an absract by Roopsi Narula)

Five Point Someone, is a story of Hari, Alok and Ryan at The Indian Institute of Technology in New Delhi.The three friends have high hopes of future but the reality turns out to be very different!

The heavy curriculum requires them to study for long hours and does not leave any time for enjoyment. However, the three decide to enjoy their student life and as a result end up being under scorerers or five pointers. This does not seem to deter them and they are content to have found invaluable friendship in each other.

The professors are obsessed with grades and do not encourage originality in students. Ryan's innovative research work fails to impress the professors and Hari ends up falling in love with Neha, the daughter of their most dreaded professor. Disaster strikes when the three are caught stealing in the professors office.A younger professor helps them come out of this mess and they are able to get their degrees and decent jobs!

The author presents a sharp satire on the educational system which requires students to cram mindlessly and kills initiative and creativity. However his nostalgia for the days spent in his alma mater flows throughout the story.

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