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El Alquimista
(Paulo Coelho)

The book is about the life of a young andalusian shepherd
who one given day decides to leave his flok of sheeps and
undertakes a journey that lets him listen to his heart and
unravel a language beyond words.

It reminds us how difficult is for a human being to choose
his own destiny. It talks about the personal legend which
everyone of us have: to live that legend is the reason for
living. About how happens that when you want something all
the universe conspires so you can realise your desire, your
The young shepherd travels in search of his lost treasure
following signs. God wrote in the world the way each man
has to follow. There is only a need to read what He wrote
for each one of us.

Santiago is a young shepherd who discovers, as a result of
a repetitive dream, that he has to search for something
beyond his simple life despite not knowing where to go or
what to do. He will find himself in many adventures, goes
through economic downfalls, he will be a war witness, finds
good and evil people, is obscured by doubts, deluded,
hopeless, in love... but he will learn from all this, from
the good and the bad things.

One of the main characters and the title of the book is the
alchemist, whom Santiago will get the most important
techings of all. Being this another comparison, the purpose
of that teaching is to convert lead onto gold, meaning to
obtain the best part from the non important, to get to know
the best of us.

The Alchemist has been compared with othr well known books
as the little prince. With this journey through desert
sand, Paulo Coelho creates a wonderfull and revealing sign
of life, man and his dreams.

Resumos Relacionados

- The Alchemist

- The Alchemist

- The Alchemist

- The Alchemist

- The Alchemist

Passei.com.br | Biografias


