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The Oranic Regime
(Jeremy C. Schwenidman)

This is perhaps the best science fiction sequel I have ever read.
This book is the sequel to "The Battle of Otok." The island of Otok was saved by the Maritonic Knights. Now, the knights have been captured by the Oran and are imprisoned at an Oran training facility. Can Aleric and the knights escape this prison? Can the seers overcome the loss of Roland and help bring peace back to Zemlya, or will the Oranic Regime prevail?

Jeremy Schwendiman has certainly improved his writing ability with this novel. It was thrilling from the very first chapter and kept my attention. I had to keep reading until I found out exactly what was going to come of the story. Fortunately, it appears that the story is not over with this book. It has a cliff-hanger ending and will probably be completed with another novel.

Ten toes up!!!!!

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