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The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People
(Stephen R Covey)

?What is really important in your life is how you behave with others not how you behave with yourself,? says a writer.
Stephen R Covey ,an incredible writer has written about personality development in the novel,? The seven habits of highly effective people? .He has presented a holistic ,integrated ,principle-centered approach for personal and personality development. With his extraordinary creative mind he describes the habits of highly effective people by linking the concepts of life thus ensuring the effectiveness of concept to the readers. With his beautiful style, he explains the way man can live to achieve success in his life. With penetrating insight and pointed anecdotes, Covey reveals a step-by-step pathway for living with fairness, integrity, honesty and human dignity-principles that give us the security to adapt to change and the wisdom and power to of the opportunities that change creates. Always remember change is a part and parcel of life. He gives natural examples related to his life and proves the content he explains simultaneously teaching the reader the basic concepts of life. He has also explained that interdependence is a higher value than independence. The chart given at the beginning of every chapter gives the reader the basic idea of what he is going to read. Next the quotations given at the beginning of each habit by eminent personalities is very relevant to topics and appropriate. Not only this, Stephen worked for nearly twenty-five years preparing this book after consulting many people and experiencing many problems in life. Really it is an extraordinary book. No wonder that ten million copies of the book have been sold in the world. Thanks to Stephen who had changed the lives of millions of people and made them excel in their office, at home and at every nook and corner of life.

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