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What Is Happiness
(Navaranjani Sridhar)

What is happiness?

Robert Was a clever student in his class. He came first in all his subject and won several prizes. So his classmates and teachers loved him. Jeffery was an other student and he was close friend to Robert. They moved friendly always. The used to go to school together, play together and they would even eat their lunch together. Robert?s parents were not so rich and hence they could not buy any costly toys or any education related articles such as geometric box, Sketch pen set etc.,
However Robert had never troubled them. He was managing with whatever he was given. Whereas Jeffrey was provided with costliest things and eatables, toys, dresses etc., and in spite of this he had never told good about his parents and going on complaining to his friend that they did not do exactly what he had asked to them. Even in lunch time, he used to complain about the taste of food. Whereas Robert had never complained about food though it was so simple and cheap.
One day Robert went to Jeffrey?s house to play with him. Jeffrey showed all of his costly toys, video games which were connected with DVD and cartoon film CDs. He seemed that he was not satisfied with any of those toys and costly games cds etc.,
Robert felt sad about his friend?s mentality and pitied upon him.? Though he enjoys all things he has never felt happy.? Hence Robert decided to teach him about the real happiness. After a few days Jeffrey went to his friend?s house to meet him. To his surprise, there he saw Robert was playing with a small hand video game. He could see there no TV Fridge or any other valuable things. He also found that there were no toys or games to play. He asked Robert how he was quite and calm without fighting and asking to have those items. Robert replied softly, but precisely, ?If you see a toy or game given by your parents it shows their love towards you. If you think on that way you would never feel differently. But, you see it only as a toy and give preference only to your feelings and not to your parent?s love. Once you start to think in that way, even a small toy or game or simple gift also would be seen high worth in your mind. Then You would feel quite happy than others.
Jeffrey heard all his friend?s advice calmly and realized his mistake.
He learned that self content is happiness.

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