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"the Magic Mountain"
(Tomasz Mann)

"Magic mountain" is a history of Hans Castorp, young engineer from Hamburg, a history of his time - and times. Mann shows us a full of genius picture of ideological precipce and necessity of choise, which Europe of XX century was in the face of. Lost man, insecure of his destiny was in the face of it too. The mean hero, Hans Castorp, visits his cousin, Joachim Ziemssen, who is a tuberculosis pattient in sanatorium in Davos. When it appear that Castorp has to become a patient too, he stays there for seven years. During his treatment he notices that he can taste a time, which in Davos goes different. It's able to touch it and observe. Young Castorp, at first carefree, becomes a target of attention Italian humanist, Lodovic Settembrini. After some time, to shaping a Castorp's moral attitiude meddles an ex-Jesuit, Leon Naphta, with different opinions than Italian. Naphta is a zealous supporter of idea of dictatorship and communism. As in medeval morality play, they fight for young Hans' soul. He has to choose between truth, wisdom, humanistic liberalism (simultaneously with moral discipline) and power, mysticism of evil, dark and interesting secrets of body. In chcaracters of Naphta and Settembrini shows opposition between West and East, which is showed as carelessness, charm of body, passive attitude in the face of reality and moral rules which are washed away. Hans Castorp likes Italian's ideas but he's prone to ruling in sanatorium profligacy and "no loyalty" in relation to life. He starts to interest in suffering and darkness which spokesperson is Naphta. Situation is getting worse with fatal love with Clawdia Chauchat, beautiful woman, a personification of "wrong mysticism" which is condemned by Settembrini. Mann doesn't show us a settlement between Italian and Naphta - Castorp decides to search the truth by his own. He runs away in book and nature. His condition is getting worse with a death of his friend, Joachim, who decide to discharge from sanatorium to be able to take part in war. This and others examples confirm Castorp in his opinion, that "mountain's" atmosphere is an atmosphere of death, slow sink in nothingness. Naphta and Settembrini are getting part in duel. When Settembrini shoots in the air, Naphta commites suicide. When Castorp is cured of an illness, he decides to become a soldier and take part in the World War. As in the past he was a friend of conservative bourgeoise, now he's a mature man with experiences and he's on side of possibility of changes.

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