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(John Mandeville)

How much time I often ask myself have I spent scouring the shelves of bookshops in London and other famous capitals of the world - at Airport Shops - or in Tourist Centres: Well, it was one such place I bought this great little guide book on Turkey.

I had just signed a contract in London and was asked to get there on time to work in Istanbul! Or so I thought ! It turned out to be Edirne in another equally favourable part of the Globe: so I quickly changed my UK sterling and with my few remaining pounds sterling I bought this book!

It contains an excellent array of maps of Turkey - which are helpful if you plan to drive there or do what I do that is instruct your Driver to take you there! Often he will ask you WHERE! You feel because he comes from there he should know everything! But this is certainly not the case! You will have to direct to exactly to where you wish to go!

The book covers /Historical Sights/ and focuses especially on Istanbul! I have had the advantage of working there also so know how to get to The Blue Mosque, Topkapi Palace and other interesting sights in Istanbul! The Palace guards the great treasures of the Ottoman Empire and it well worth a visit when you can spare the time from a busy work schedule!

ANKARA is now the Capital City of Turkey and its history stretches back to Roman Times when the place was little more than a sheep-farming town. The word /Angora/ is a corruption of that City's name

Ataturk, seen by many, as the Founder of Modern Turkey The Islamic State - did, during his Presidency choose Ankara as his new Capital! Modern Ankara lies in the heart of Anatolia which is approximately 265 miles to the East of Istanbul: as the popular song says:


Kayseri lies beneath the mountains and is being developed as a ski centre. The book takes us on a guided tour of Mount Ararat and its permanently snow-capped peak! Also great attention is paid to the famous LAKE VAN and inland lake south east of Erzurum - its safe to swim in the lake but beware of sodium which will cause discomfort to open wounds.

Best BUYS: Well Turkish carpets and my family now have this wonderful example of Turkish culture on their floor in San Francisco. I hold other treasures such as my poem:
TURKISH EARTHQUAKE which is housed in a collection entitled; Magical Moments in the British Library in London: There is much to interest the writer and lecturer of English and I thoroughly recommend this book! It has lain at my bedside for years and I never would travel to Turkey without it: An excellent book!

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