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Introduction. The holy Scripture of Old and New Testaments is a crucially important book for followers of Judaism (the first part) and Christianity (the second part). It contains a great treasure of literature, with various motives and symbols that again and again rise up as an inspiration for many books written throughout the World, in various languages. Many artists refer to the Scripture in their works, in numerous areas of art. The popularity of the Bible may be measured with its countless translations into other languages. It influences almost all the people living on Earth. Even declared atheists are fluent with Biblical symbols and texts. In fact, it may be stated with no doubt that the Holy Scripture is the basis of the European culture, it is a living source of the knowledge on God and the Universe. The Bible consists of differend kind of scriptures written in a long time period by different authors ispired by God. Therefore its books differentiate in many formal and linguistic aspects. The Old Testament consists of 46 books written during the thousand years period, from 13th to 1st century BCE. This part describes the love of God towards His chosen people, Israel. The second part, New Testament, contains of 27 books written in the first century after Christ was born (51-96 C.E.). It shows the love of God towards all the poeple in the whole World which is proven by the sacrifice of God's Son who died for salvation of the mankind. In the New Testament, there are four Gospels (by Mathew, Marc, Luke and John) - written by the disciples of Jesus Christ. The wanted to describe the life and work of their Teacher and Savior, and to preserve His teaching. Then the Acts of Apostles come, and the letters, and finally the Apocalypsis written by John. Compared to Old Testament, the New Testament is much shorter, if measured by the amount of text. Most of them have been written in Greek (the Gospel by Mathew was probably written in Aramaic), and the time span have been only half of century. This way the New Testament books are more uniform.

Resumos Relacionados

- The New Testament

- The Holy Book

- The Bible

- The Holy Bible

- The Gospel Of Matthew

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