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The Inspiration Of True Love


John, Paul and Richards were thick friends, who were living in a remote village. Paul was the only highly educated person among them. But all the three were farmers. They had a bit of land and they were cultivating various crops. But the amount they earned was not sufficient for them to lead the regular life. So, they were thinking of other jobs. Being an educated person, Paul had no difficulty in finding a job for him, though it was not connected with his education.
One day, at a function, the three friends happened to meet a girl. Paul was very much attracted by her sweet language and kindness. He fell in love with that girl, Leena. She was coming from a respected and rich family. Her father was a professor and as such it was not a wonder that she had all the required qualities. She was also interested in him because of his approach. When they were talking about them, Leena came to know that Paul was working in a coffee shop. She was not happy about it. But at the same time, she was glad that he was working there, though he was an educated person. She told him to work hard so that he could improve his status. He was glad to take that suggestion from her. From that moment, he started to work hard. He was in search of a another job, part time
Since, he was involved in a coffee club; he thought it would be better for him to work in a restaurant so that he could gain experience. He joined another motel, as a part time staff.
As days went, he became rich. He purchased a house and a car for him. He was happy that he could lead a happy life with Leena, if she wished.
While he was at his job, Leena came there and she was happy to meet him there. They had a long talk. He expressed his intention of marrying her. She said, Paul, you have to work further hard and save money for the future. Leading the life without sufficient money is not possible. You never try to live within the limitation of your income. You spend as you wish. But at the same time, you have to learn to earn more than what you spend. This is the logic of life. Paul replied that he was saving money and soon he would be in a position to start his own business. She was impressed by this and said, Good Luck. and she went away. After this, he started a new hotel, since he was familiar with that. Though he was the sole proprietor for his hotel, he never thought about it and he was working as a regular worker. Suddenly he had a thought of his old friends. He was very eager to meet them. Immediately he started from his place and went there to meet them. They were still working with the land alone. After seeing them, he decided to include them also in his business. He invited them to join his business. All the three shifted their homes and started to work together. Soon, all of them became very rich. They were very happy to be together, but in a different stage. They recalled the old stories. Both Richards and John wanted to give his friend Paul, a pleasant surprise. Both of them went to Leena?s place and conveyed the desire of Paul. Leena?s father was very glad of the attitude of Paul?s friends. He said, it is one of the most important things to have a few real friends. I can easily decide the personality of Paul, since you are his friends. I am really glad that Paul is interested in marrying my daughter. After the acceptance from his father, they rushed his hotel and informed of this. He had no words to appreciate them.
Then, all of them went to Leena?s house and had a very long discussion. Paul was talking very openly with Leena. He said, what all I have now is all yours. In the beginning I had little money with me. Just because of your kind advice with affection, I have achieved everything in my life. So, naturally each and everything belongs to you. She was rather surprised to hear like this, from Paul. From there, they went to a church and got married and started to lead a happy life, of course, with his real friends.

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