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The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader
(C S Lewis)

When Edmund and Lucy were sent to stay with their Uncle and Aunt, they were not best pleased. Their cousin Eustace Clarence was the most objectionable know-it-all, they had ever met. One afternoon they sneaked away to enjoy some peace and quiet only to be followed and tormented by him. All three fall through a picture into another rather wet and turbulent world. They are hauled aboard the good ship Dawn Treader, by Prince Caspian and his friends.

Prince Caspian being now monarch of a happy and settled Narnia had set sail to find and bring home if possible, seven friends of his dead father, previously sent on a perilous exploration by the evil King Miraz, many moons ago.

They travel between many Islands sometime through ferocious storms and sometimes becalmed. They manage to break up an evil slave trade thus extending the happiness and order to Narnian dominions.

Eustace finds out some things about himself after experiencing a magical transformation. He comes to the realisation that he has been an ungrateful burden on all aboard the ship and starts to regret his appalling behaviour and how much he took for granted.

The creatures on the Island of voices are terrified of the magician and believe he has cast evil spells upon them, Lucy is asked to release them from their perceived torments by finding and reading the magician?s spell book. Later as the Dawn Treader sails into the darkness all aboard start to experience fear, or is it despair? They pray to Aslan for deliverance from the darkness, finally they head towards the Island of the sleepers, there to discover three of the friends in an enchanted sleep. The enchantment can only be broken by a daring journey to the world?s end. Who of those aboard has courage to undertake such a journey?

Resumos Relacionados

- The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader

- Prince Caspian

- Prince Caspian

- Prince Caspian

- Narnia Series

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