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Prince Caspian
(C S Lewis)

This story follows on from "The Lion the Witch and Wardrobe". Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy are feeling depressed at the thought of returning to school; whilst waiting at the railway station, they each get a feeling of being dragged somewhere, initially alarmed they find themselves in a wood and begin to wonder if they have returned once again to Narnia. Struggling through the trees they discover a beach and set about exploring. Stumbling upon an eerily familiar yet aged and crumbling castle they wonder if they have arrived at Cair Paravel, the seat of Narnian Kings and Queens, if true then thousands of years must have passed since they ruled Narnia. As morning and hunger arrives further excitement occurs in the shape of a dwarf, who brings tidings of woe. Narnia is no longer an enchanted land of talking creatures; only dumb creatures can walk freely in that land. The King has become corrupted and in his fearfulness banishes all that speak of the Narnia of the old days. A usurper to the throne he allowed the Prince Caspian, the true heir to live on, - until that is he has his own son. Old Narnians help Prince Caspian to escape from the threat of certain death. Prince Caspian is alone but for his horse for the first time, is hurt and is rescued by the talking creatures he had been led to believe were nothing but myth. Could he have somehow escaped into the Narnia of legend? A conference is called and a grand assembly of magical creatures, with feasting and dancing ensues, but perilous days are upon them all. King Miraz alerted that his quarry has fled launches a hunt, - he cannot let Caspian live! The Old Narnians retreat to the mound, there better to defend themselves. Hopelessly outclassed by Miraz? army they have no hope, except that if they sound Queen Susan?s horn, help will arrive. The dwarf, Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy set-off on the long journey to join the Old Narnian rebellion. Finally a battle of champions is agreed for the avoidance of bloodshed, but treachery ensues resulting in the bloody battle that the forces of good sought to avoid. Every citizen of Narnia is swept up in the battle, which will surely result for better or worse in a new order for Narnia!

Resumos Relacionados

- The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe

- The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe

- The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe

- The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe

- The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe

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