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The Magician's Nephew
(C S Lewis)

The first chronicle of Narnia, ?The Magician?s Nephew?, is the precursor to ?The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe?. Diggory, whose unfortunate mother is terminally ill and whose father is away at war, is sent to stay with his uncle and aunt in London. As the initial shock of being thrust from a quiet and comfortable country existence into the city subsides, he makes friends with Polly, the girl next door. Together Polly and he decide to go in search of adventure, not anticipating the other-worldly nature of their escapades.

With the rather unwelcome aid of the magician they discover the way to travel between alternate universes, and unwittingly unleash a Witch-Queen in search of world domination onto the unsuspecting public.

London is treated to the wrath of the witch and the foolish magician begins to regret his tinkering with forces he does not fully understand. An altercation with a Hackney carriage driver attracts the attention of Polly and Diggory. Desperately Diggory and Polly attempt to undo their deed, however, things go from bad to worse, and they inadvertently end up in a world being born. They arrive to see Aslan the creator of all things, bringing a new and beautiful world into existence. An empty fabric is sown with the seeds of fertility, before their very eyes spring forth mountains, streams, trees and flowers; finally all of the creatures who will walk this magical world. With the arrival of the witch into this utopia, the stage is set for the later troubles of the beautiful and enchanting Narnia.

Diggory responsible for unleashing this evil into the newly created world is tasked to play a role in its deliverance.

He finds the task tests his integrity and willpower to the limit as he is distracted with worry for his ailing mother.

Resumos Relacionados

- The Magician's Nephew

- The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe

- The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe

- The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe

- The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe

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