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Rising Elephant
(Ashutosh Sheshabalaya)

is nothing in a catterpillar that tells you it's going to be a
butterfly. ---- Richard Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983)

ELEPHANT is a book about the growing clash with India over
white-collor jobs and its challenge to America and the
world. The author
successfully explains the myths and realities
of globalisation which not
only helped India and China to become a
economic superpower but also
put serious challenges in front of
India has also been
taking strategic advantage of it's fast growing strengths
to position
itself on the road to super power status in every field.
This book
provides good reasons for caution, about both the content and longevity
of the china Dream. 'Rising Elephant' provides surprising facts and
figures backed by rigorous research that proves that India has a
'Weapon of Mass Distruction' (The large population of
Intellectual Individuals).
These Intellectual Individuals are trying
their best to make their country ahead
of everyone in every field.

'Rising Elephant' shows the
history of job relocation, dating back to the 1980s
and early 1990s,
and have become a complex economic and geopolitical equations.
author explains in detail about the myths and realities about India and
its changing
place in the world.

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