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All That Cupid Speaks

Friends its something which is born when not needed at all and it sometimes dies when needed the most?
For writers love is a topic to describe into explanations
For readers love is a topic to read and forget
For people love is a thing as dangerous as poison
But for lovers love is something to live and experience its miracles and incidents?.. Which may give them pleasure and grief?.
Love is a kind of relation that needs time to grow,
It is as simple as tearing a paper and it is as hard as breaking a rock?.
It is a kind of relation where selfishness turns into contraction?
It?s like a road where only travelers decide which way to chose?
Love spells in such an alphabets where it can roll and change itself into others?
Love is enjoyed in oneself also if it?s true, it doesn?t bother the being loved person loves them or not.
People who tried are either lost in times or in memories
People who thought are neither remembered nor cared
People who lived in love are either happy or mad
Love is a only an ingredient-
This is sweet when felled, painful when tasted,
Quite in noise, and loud in silence,
It doesn?t needs more time to make oneself fully involved in love
It is all the happenings of the poor heart?
The one who understands feels...
The one who tries faces?
The one who speaks is pressed?.
And the one who respects lives forever in deeds with years?.
The supreme is world, the superior is power
The cradle is universe. The child is people
The vehicle is society, the driver is public
Likewise the god is love and his angles are in forms of lovers

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