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Sports , The Life Experience

Cheenu and Sekhar were studying in tenth standard. They were very brillient students.
Cheenu used to secure first rank almost all times and rarely Sekhar would get first rank.
Whenever Sekhar got the first rank, Cheenu could not tolerate his defeat and in turn, did
not speak with Sekhar and others. In their extra curricular activities, they were very
good at chess. They used to play chess during their games period in their class room.
When he had to face defeat, Cheenu could not tolerate and criticized Sekhar and did not
speak with others. The chess teacher, watched this many times but thought that he would be
alright in due course. Even he did not talk about this to him.
One time, in a chess competition, Cheenu defeated Sekhar. He could not control his feelings
and he was very emotional, and he critized about the poor playing of Sekhar. But Sekhar
was very calm and quiet and he took the defeat easy. But at the same time, he had the
faith that he would surely win the next time. The teacher, who was watching all these,
called Cheenu and said, Cheenu, sport is an experience for your life. When you win a game,
you should not feel high of you and when you loose, you should not loose your confidence.
You must have normal mind to take the victory and the defeat equally. Then only you can
act normally. Winning is not permanent and and loosing is also not permanent. If you
understand this point, you will have a very calm mind to treat win and loss easily. This
would help you a lot in your future life and you would be in a high position.
Cheenu could realize the logic from his trainer and he felt very bad of him. From that
moment he changed his acts. That advice had helped him a lot in his life, since, now he is
in a position to understand why some of his companies are running nice and some not. He is
working hard to rectify the mistakes in the companies which needs attention. If everyone
plays the game with sporting spirit, that would surely would go a long way in the life.

Resumos Relacionados

- Intuitive Decision Making

- How To Keep Mind Calm

- How To Keep Mind Calm

- A Chess Challenge

- Modern Chess Strategy

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