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Sport Is Health

In past thirty years the media has got huge development. Children and adult are found same in the activities of watching television. Children watch their channels without doing their duties. Adults are watching television without attending the children.

About thirty years back you can watch children playing in the streets, different types of new games. Most of the games are varnished by people. No body has remembrance in the mind to lead the children to play those types of games.

Children playing out door games like, tennis and football or hockey in the streets not visible. Only few children playing cricket or rarely found. Even cricket is also not seen much seen in the streets as like earlier. Children prefer to watch only in television, or playing in the home and breaking valuable goods.

Indoor games are very selective children can select, it and try to learn first play next. Indoor games basically with mind soft minded children born to do this. The present situation is an adult should advice the children either indoor or outdoor some sort of sports activities only can prevent the children watching on television.

There will be no objection for children if they watch any useful events made in the television or some times they can be permitted to do anything at home. But for complete physical fitness present stage or later stage out door games are must. The play grounds should be created for the children if there is no play ground is available in residing city.

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