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The Divine Comedy
(Dante Alighieri)

The book Divine comedy by Dante a Freench philospher and writer is a great epic of the medival period.In this book Dante has exquisitely written critcal reveiw of certain superstitions and beliefs and cutural traditions whoch seem to exist without any technical or social backup of data.The book on the Diveine comedy lucidly describes the nuances of life and people and the people in general .It is a review of the story of some religious beliefs,godly incarnations, peoples unjust and unwanted fighting for selfish motives and general negigent attitude of human beings towards the god,truth and fututre and his agonistic and narrow mindedness to life and people.The comedy of a ordinary person thinking of his undue importance in a sagattiristic society is lucidly described.This is the book which is a must read for all peopleof cultural and religios beliefs and other people interested in lifes adamant styles and incidents of comical and unjust nature occuring frequently in our lives.

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- The Divine Comedy

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