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The Colour Of Magic
(Terry Pratchett)

The Colour of Magic is Terry Pratchett's first Discworld novel, in which the readers meet A'Tuin, Rincewind, Twoflower and many other characters. But first things first: Ankh-Morpork, the greatest city of the Discworld is on fire. How did it happen? A strange 'four-eyed' man arrived in the city, accompanied by a ravenous travelling trunk on hundreds of little legs. The man, whose name is Twoflower, turns out to be the very first tourist on the Discworld, coming from the legendary Agatean Empire. He employs Rincewind, an unqualified wizard, as his interpreter. Rincewind was thrown out of the Unseen University following an unfortunate accident with the Octavo grimoire (containing Creator's 8 Great Spells). One of the Spells jumped into his mind and lodged there indelibly, forbidding all other spells to enter the wizard's brain. Twoflower, an expert in and an enthusiast of inn-sewer-ants (understood by Ankh-Morpork citizens as betting against a ship accidentally sinking, something getting stolen or a building getting burned down) soon finds somebody willing to accept a 'bet'... and afterwards Twoflower and Rincewind need to leave the city rather hastily. They visit the ancient temple of Bel-Shamharoth, the Soul Eater, the unpleasant figure associated on the Discworld with number ei... with the number between seven and nine. Together with Hrun the Barbarian (great, strong and probably the most famous and stupid hero on the Discworld) encountered in the temple, they go to the Wyrmberg, a mountain lying within a powerful magical field. After the narrow escape and a brief spell of captivity on a slave ship, they get to the Rim of the Disc and have the opportunity to see the breathtaking Rimbow. This is not the end of their adventures but let us not spoil the joy of reading by saying too much. The book is a wonderful prelude to the Discworld series, comprising 35 enchanting novels. It is a perfect sample of Pratchett's unique style, his British humour and hilariously sophisticated plays on words. A great book to start reading the Discworld series with; an absolute must for the author's fans and for fantasy readers in general.

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