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Love Is A Dog From Hell
(Charles Bukowski)

Love Is A Dog From Hell, published by Black Sparrow Press, first appeared in 1977. This is a compilation of poems from 1974 through 1977. Three hundred and seven poems are contained in this book. The book is divided into four sections and is dedicated to Carl Weissner. Charles Bukowski is now an internationally recognized figure of contemporary poetry. He also wrote short stories, novels, and the screenplay to the film based on his life, Barfly, starring Mickey Rourke and Faye Dunnaway. Bukowski makes a cameo appearance in the film. Also of interest to students of his work are a more recent docementary entitled Born Into This. There are also interviews with the writer available on video called Ham On Rye, the same title as the novel that was perhaps his greatest, and most autobiographical work.

Love Is A Dog From Hell is vintage Bukowski. The poems are written in straightforward, easy to read style, without all the trappings and formula of other writers. This honest style, coupled with the poet's content, make Bukowski one of the more accesible modern American poets. Love Is A Dog From Hell contains mainly the recuring theme of the female and relationships. Poems like The Girl On A Bus Stop Bench, A Lovely Couple, My Groupie, along with the actual poem entitled Love Is A Dog From Hell, portray Bukowski's unique view on life, relationships, and what he sees around him during his everyday existence. Charles Bukowski's book, like the others, might appear to some to be only about women, the racetrack, and drunkeness, and a broken life due to a harsh upbringing and being a proverbial outsider in the game of life. But, in Love Is A Dog From Hell, for a reader that cares to look closely, redemption and hope are contained in the pages. It is for this reason that Bukowski, espescially in this volume of poems, can not be called a pessimist alone.

The last poem of the compilation is called One For The Shoeshine Man. This is one of the best poems that Charles Bukowski ever wrote. It is simply beautiful, heartfelt, clear, and visionary. Often, a poem like this is included as the last poem of a Bukowski book. It works perfectly in Love Is A Dog From Hell. Any student of contemporary American poetry should read the poem. After Bukowski's life as far as it had gone then, with problems, sadness, and the like, he points out a few things that happen in life that he sees as worthwhile and even miraculous. And he does this as only Charles Bukowski was able to do, with a gift for laying down the word, as it were, the way the Gods or the forces that be, seemed to want it. Charles Bukowski's thousands of fans have come to recognize the truth the poems contain. And the poems are written with a dark comical wit and profound, hard won wisdom. Love Is A Dog From Hell is no exeption to this. Bukowski at his best!

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