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Angelina Jolie
(Harald Keller)

Angelina Jolie - The Hollywood star who's something else.
The author Harald Keller devotes himself in detail in his book
"Angelina Jolie" (published by Bertz-Verlag) to one of the most
interesting women in Hollywood: Angelina Jolie.
She got the Oscar and is considered one of the most beautiful women
in the world, she is the incarnate Lara Croft from the Tomb Raider
computer games and the nightmare of every makeup artist - thirteen
tattoos adorn her body which, of course, cannot be allowed to be seen
in the film.
The author devotes himself to all these subjects in his biography about
Angelina Jolie. Over 158 pages one gets to know why Angelina Jolie has
become just how she now is... Starting from her childhood, the problems
of a teenager after the separation of her parents, the first steps in
the brutal and unmerciful film industry, the complex father-daughter
relationship with her father Jon Voight, also an Oscar winner - all
these little things have stamped themselves into Angelina Jolie.
Harald Keller presents not only a line-up of facts; he also lets
Angelina Jolie speak, in the form of numerous citations and extracts
from interviews. Thus the reader discovers details, which draw a
completely different picture to that presented in the headlines of the
sensational press.
In several chapters the film work of Angelina Jolie is described,
supported by many stage pictures and the already mentioned citations.
It is interesting to read what motivated Angelina Jolie to make this or
that film and how she reacted physically to the strenuous work. And
all the time one is reading one cannot but realize that Angelina Jolie
is not just the typical Hollywood star, not just conformist and
diva-like, like probably the majority of Hollywood actors. Angelina
Jolie would not be Angelina Jolie, if she did not constantly try out
new things, leave the well-beaten path or sometimes appear less
pleasing, even if it is only by jumping into a hotel pool during a
Hollywood gala. These anecdotes are also brought to light by Harald
The portrait of this unusual actress is followed by a detailed filmography and bibliography.

Resumos Relacionados

- Angelina Jolie: The Hollywood Star Who's Something Else

- Angelina Jolie

- Angelina Jolie

- Angelina Jolie

- O Turista (the Tourist) – 2010 (com Johnny Deep, Angelina Jolie)

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