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(Nutan Pandit)

What the Indian woman always wanted to know but was afraid to ask. Yes this book titled Pregnancy written by well known Associate of natural child birth trust, London, Nutan Lakhanpal Pandit depicts in a step by step explanation of home remedies for today's women who can, for this reason find this book a guide in various things relating to pregnancy. According to this book; pregnancy is that wonderful occasion in life, too precious to be disrupted by irrational fears or unnecessary apprehensions caused by the lack of simple, reliable information. This book will tell you all about childbirth, answering questions about weight gain, proper diet, exercises, breathing patterns, positions to adopt during labour, and postnatal care of both the mother and the baby. Scientific and reliable, the book also offers invaluable, time-tested home remedies. Above all Nutan Pandit started taking natural childbirth classes in 1978. This shows her deep interest in this type of subject. And at present she conducts such classes in New Delhi. Interestingly suggested for pregnant women also for having a good time reading it, so is the book perfectly readable.

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