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Louis Xiv L'envers Du Soleil
(Michel De Grèce)

Each medal has its back. Louis XIV was no exception .Man celebrated in scholarly books, sun King, he had in him a shadowy part .For long, historians were interested in his political life, his trouble life with his mistresses, to know to whom he favoured much in taking into account their advice in politics, in task scheduling and his ideas, very much interesting for that era. But what the man not the king was experiencing few cared about it. Or pretty lightly attention was given to the man. Mighty master of historical novels, Michel de Grèce enfolds the story of " one of our ancestors". More a historical report than a novel, the book reveals with great mastery the fears, the love story, the habits of Louis XIV, and gives us an insight into the life of that king who through his splendour tried to conceal his fears.....

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