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Enchained Promethée

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?Enchained Prométhée is the only part of Eschyle which reached us from trilogy which included prométhée delivered and prométhée carry-fire
In this theater piece, prométhée is punished by Zeus to have to conceal the fire of heaven to transmit it to the men. Héphaïstos, on order of Zeus enchained him on a rock at the end of the world.
When he was alone and deciding to keep silence until there, Prométhée takes the universe as witness of what the gods inflict to him but it announces that one day he will have his revenge because, endowed with the gift of prophecy, he holds a vital secrecy for Zeus that this one would pay with any price.
Prométhée also recalls how he gave in the past its essential support for Zeus in its fight against the Titans. After the victory, Zeus also wanted to crush the Men but only Prométhée opposed to it and taught all arts to them (construction, writing, work of materials, astronomy, medicine, navigation?)
Prométhée reveals finally his secrecy: one day, Zeus will generate a son more powerful than him which will detroned it.
Occurs then Hèrmès, wire of Zeus sent to know prophecy. Prométhée refuses to deliver his secrecy before to be released. For to be avenged, Zeus will strike down it, precipitate it in darkness of the Tartar then an eagle will come each day, having eternity to nibble the liver to him. The myth of Prométhée is one of most famous of L `Antiquity.
This piece occurs only between the gods, which is frequent in the Greek tragedies.
We must read the entire trilogy for understand that Prométhée thaws a martyrdom whose justice of its cause seems obvious to us, moreover Zeus through its blasphemies and its cruelty cannot be to us sympathetic nerve. We know however that in the continuation of these events, Zeus will deliver prométhée and will grant its forgiveness to him.
The morals thus appears clearly: Even the god of justice became right at the end of long centuries, his first violence's had delayed the reign of peace a long time. Justice is not an exterior power, an innate feature, it is to men to belong it, access in them then around them, it is a patient training.

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