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(The Bible)

That the writer of Psalm 14 is upset is understandable as he considers unwise anyone who dares to even entertain the thought let alone declare it that there is no God. There is no doubt that life itself is the biggest confirmation that God does not just exist, He is alive and well. This is because only life can produce or reproduce life. I suspect that as far as the Psalmist is concerned, it is shameful and dangerously unintelligent for anyone to want to suggest that as marvellous and complex as the Creation is, there is no one behind it.

The fact is that no one was born an atheist. Those who are atheists became atheists somewhere along the way. This happens in most cases when such people themselves decide to take over the seat that is meant for God in their lives so that they can become accountable to no one. They think that shutting God out of their lives in this manner makes them feel better. They thus believe that by doing this they have banished the very consciousness of God which remains alive in them. They then foolishly conclude that they can justify all their actions no matter how dreadful. It is not surprising that the Psalmist here declares, 'They are corrupt, they have done abominable things, there.......' This implies that, deep down, most atheists know that there is God, they simply deliberately chose not to acknowledge Him.

As the most potent evidence that God is alive and well are His people, godless people are angry with them because the reality of the people of God reminds these people of the God they chose to deny. This is why the Psalmist again states, ' Have all the workers of iniquity no knowledge? who eat up my people as they eat bread, and call...........'

The writer then prays, interceding for Israel.

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