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Mutton Ventor And Lakshmi

It is big city located in India. There lived one mutton vendor named Ali. He had big mutton stall in the near of the area. Lot of people use to Buy mutton only from him, the reason is other shops are located 5kms. Away from this stall. He had no competition for his business. He had his own timings for his opening and closing. If any one Rise question about his irregularity, he will never give them meat. He would offer one or more customer excess meat or sell it in credit People of the city never gave money back. The vendor went in loss. One day a nice looking cow entered in to his meat shop and shouting For some reasons. All the people of the street beat the cow. Ali stopped it. And taken to his custody. From the day one cow entered his family his son Abraham named it lakshmi. Treated the cow very friendly. His father Ali Also encouraged his son. With the luck of the cow they became, Very rich. Ali started three more mutton stall near to the previous one. Abraham had school excursion. Normally Ali never allows Him for excursion. It is a type of school, the management decides Only for a long days excursion tours. All the tour will be very Much useful for the children. The big money is required to participate. It was a one month tour; mean time cow had some health problem. Due to over food. Mrs. Ali killed the cow and made very big feast. Ali didn?t take dinner that night. Went sad. His son came from Tour next day morning, and asked about the lakshmi. His father Ali explained him about the incidents. Abraham Went ill. He dint go to school. He was admitted in the hospital. The doctor said Abraham died but his lost speech was lakshmi...

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