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Eden Close
(Anita Shreve)

Andrew remembers the night in his dreams. The sounds, the images, the chaos and the fear but he is still unsure of the exact details of what happened that night when he was seventeen years old.

His childhood spent enjoying the normal childhood adventures, fishing, swimming, playing ice hockey on the frozen pond in winter with friends. There?s nothing remarkable about his childhood. His own is isolated in the middle of corn fields with no other houses in the immediate area except the one directly next door. Two houses together, two families. The Close family in the neighbouring house, much like his, find one day a new born baby abandoned in their front garden. The child, couple of years younger than Andrew, is adored by her father and tolerated by her mother.

As they grow up next door to each other the Andrew and Eden become close friends but Eden soon hits puberty and Andrew finds that he no longer understands her actions or behaviour. Then suddenly one evening an event occurred that changed both their lives forever.

After nearly nineteen years he comes back to the house for his mothers funeral. He plans only to stay for the funeral and to sell the old family home. But something inside of him needs to know what happened that night all those years ago that made Eden blind and her father die. Who pulled that trigger and what was the story that led up to this massive event. He HAS to see Eden again. Planning his visits whilst her mother is at work and begins to get to know the girl he once knew so well. Once he learns the neglect she has suffered at the hands of her mother the need to learn more about that night grows.

What will he find out? Does he really know the girl next door? A gripping book that you just can?t put down!

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