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(mulkraj anand)

A great example of excellency this book is.In this book expressed about the bad condition of untouchables in India.In the middle of 20th century some communities of indian society were called untouchable.indian society was divided into four parts that time.In the first part were brahmins.They used to perform spirituals work in the society.in the second part there were called kshtriya.There main work was war.In the third group some traders were come and they were called vaishya.in the fourth position people were called shudra.They were not allowed to go in the temples (worshipping place of hindu religion).they were the lowest castes of the society.They used to work like,cleaning bathrooms and latrines and washing clothes of other people.A great example of injustice.The important thing is that writer of this book is also an indian who wrote reality about indian society.
It is the story of a suppressed caste person alongwith his family.A girl went to a well for taking water.It was said in hindu society that if any lower caste person take water from any well it becomes dirty.it was also believed that people became dirty inside if they take their meal with any low cast people.India was suffering from this type of social evil.This book make us aware of the bad condition of the lower cast people.
So fantastically he wrote the fact that is unmatched.when I read this book i came to know the reality that was present among hindu society in india that time.

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