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Health And Fitness

Fitness and health are complimentary to each other. It is the individual's state of mind and attitude rather than the physical aspect of it. A healthy mind ha a healthy body and feels himself fit to take up any task of his day to day life. Furthur a hypochondriac will never feel himself as a healthy person though all his body functions are normal, because his stte of mind always keeps on telling him that your body has this problem and you cannot perform like the others do. Here a fact needs to be revealed or rather reminded that every human body has a different capacity of doing various tasks. Some may be able to write well, some may read well, sing well, lift heavy weights etc. So every person has different capacities and their energies concentrated for different tasks. Therfore always remember that what you can do others may not be able to do as good as you and keep your morale high which will boost healthy hormones and disease fighting capacity of your body leading to a healthy body. We have to always keep in our mind that we are fit, if we think that we are not fit then we may land up in the most severely diseased body and then our performance will gradually go down and finally in the end we will be alone as no one comes near to a person who is into suffering. There may be someone to help you out douing your daily routine but they would not involve you in their enjoyments as people think a sick person need rest and a calm environment as a result one is left alone.
Therefore eat well, sleep well ,do your duties well & finally enjoy this world. Your body is God's gift to you. Keep it healthy and fit.

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