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Seven Days For Eternity
(Marc Levy; Marypistache)

If you like love's stories, adventure and suspense, you will love Seven jous for an eternity, a splendid novel of Marc Levy... The devil and God decided to clash to hold the supreme capacity on the world... On bottom of fight beween Good against the evil, a history of love will born between the two divine representatives... What they had forgotten, it's that a man, a dark man with the beauty of evil meets a young woman who looks like an angel, they are not safe from a thunderbolt... Will the world be save ? A messenger of God and a messenger of the devil, have they got the right to love them? Will the love manage to save the world? A lots of questions to which you will find answers only in this splendid novel of Marc Levy.
Good reading and may God be with you!

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