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On Writing
(Stephen King)

Stephen King is considered by many to be the undisputed master of horror fiction; but as those who actually know his work will tell you, he is so much more than this.
With a career spanning over four decades, and more readers worldwide than any author since Dickens, who could possibly have more authority to release a book ?On Writing??
As the title suggests, this is primarily a memoir of the craft- largely autobiographical. King provides an enthralling and inspirational narrative on his own experiences- from his days as an over-imaginative child growing up in Portland, Maine- to best selling author. Along the way, he delivers an abundance of useful advice to aspiring fiction writers; covering everything from structure and style, to the presentation of manuscripts.
Unlike most books on the craft of fiction, ?On Writing? is free of jargon and written with genuine passion, energy and vision. He wears his love of writing firmly on his sleeve throughout- whether recalling his days at High School, writing the sports column for the school newspaper; or describing his immediate reaction to the sale of is debut novel, ?Carrie?.
In the latter chapters, King gives us a harrowing account of his brush with death. In June of 1999, he was hit by a van on a country road, and required six operations to mend his ruined body. ?On Writing? is a product of this life-altering experience?and an astonishing one at that.

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- On Writing A Memoir Of The Craft

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- Writing Down The Bones: Freeing The Writer Within

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