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The Lord Of The Rings:the Fellowship Of The Ring
(J. R. R. Tolkien)

Any body who reads any of the books in the Lord of the Rings trilogy will be in bewilderment at the magical imagination of J. R. R. Tolkein. The Fellowship of the Ring is the first instalment of The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, and the most enjoyable experiance as the reader is pulled into the magic. The wonder of the Hobbits, of the elves, of all the characters in the story, and the descriptions of the world they are in, gives the reader an injection of wild imagination, something that is hard to find in a lot of modern day reads. Follow the likes of Frodo, Legolas, Gandalf and the others as they battle their way across Middle Earth meeting all kinds of great things, god and bad and pass through magical lands, to attempt to destroy the ring and the battle with the evil Sauron and the Orcs. This first instalment is guranteed to thrill the reader and you will be eager to read on to the next chapter.

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- The Lord Of The Rings:the Fellowship Of The Ring

- The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring

- The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring

- The Lord Of The Rings:the Fellowship Of The Ring

- The Lord Of The Rings:the Fellowship Of The Ring

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