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Hundred Years Of Loneliness
(Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

The Hundred years of loneliness of Gabriel Garcia Mark, are a book the must lightness of the world literature. Often badly understood, they take us along from one time to the other, of a corner of the ground to the other, from one mythical person to another. The lexicon, the grammar employed by the author, as this style of very humorous writing are the base of a gigantic book, a monument with reading and admiring more in the form that in the contents even of a fabulous history. What I remain of this reading is a poem of exoticism, associated with a fate which the destiny will have had to assign with a man. Are hundred years they sufficient with a man for all to know? What represents hundred years in front of the eternity of cosmos? Can be all! Can be nothing! And it is there that death acts, because we cannot live that of worship in the life, we need to earn money, and only the insane one would be rather idiotic to think that it will employ its life to become a scholar and to banish his life any concept material. However throughout the book, the mystery persists on the character of Auréliano Buendia. It is jealous, envied, cut down for what it is more invaluable in the life: A Genius. From that the hundred years History rises of loneliness which can be is not read that through the lines, I would say even more, it is a history that the author wants that one thinks it, that one discovers it by our self like an alive dilemma, on the case of a too atypical man for the remainder of humanity, a man whom one does not understand because only and single solution at the hundred years of loneliness is not the food. It is necessary to die when one is still young. By knowing that what a beautiful history! What a fairy tale! Which blessing will have lived a man to find the Lord before dying?

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