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We Born To Enjoy In This World

We have born to enjoy in the world. (Smoking)

We have born in this world. To enjoy complicatedly.
Without and with conscious. A child when the realization
Comes. The author could go to his very first memory of
His first babyhood memory. He says he felt only uneasy.
His parents and others wanted to exhibit their love just
Praising him, as little baby.

He expresses how disliked faces closely come in.
And unpleasantly with their breath. This is the very
First experience towards the life and survival. At
One stage he remembered crying for faces closely
Come in. As a mater of fact no child is willing to
Be conscious. Once you feed.A baby is coming to world of

Any body can smoke tobacco but it is really irritating for
Babies till the growth of at least three years. We normally
Never think about the small baby at home. We will be
Regular in all our routines. We have to take it in to our
Mind if a small baby at home our attention should be
Absolutely focusing on our new born baby only. Not to
Cause any infection to the baby.

What enjoyments we get in smoking just realize it.
We get used to tong irritation, we are also used to
Smoke a cigarette for the same purpose. If you
Can avoid it just avoid or try to avoid. Or if you
Cannot avoid just change the buying place to
A longest distance where you buy from now.
One day or other you will feel tired or bored
Move out to the longest place for just smoking.
Even if do this practice, it is not assured that
We will stop smoking. It will be reduced.

Why to stop smoking? You can smoke any
Good thing except tobacco. The man has
Made alternate for everything. Even some
Indian college student found a solution for
Smokers. They invented some cigarette
Without tobacco and with useful herbals.
Meaning of smoker is doesn?t mean it
Means tobacco.

As a smoker no smoker will not stop. On the others
Completion. At least he can try the alternate which is also
Available in the globe, as an alternate.

Resumos Relacionados

- Reasons For Smoking

- Smoking : Your Road For Death

- Easy Way To Stop Smoking

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- Armenia To Present Anti-smoking Report To Who

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