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(The Bible)

With a profile of someone who appears to be lost in God, this man, the writer of Psalm 16, powerfully explains why the Lord should keep him safe and sound. He gives specific reasons why he believes he should be accorded this privileged status. The first is that he has shunned all other, though less attractive, alternatives and has stuck with the only true God who is not only able to provide a hiding place for him but also able to satisfy him with all good things. Secondly, he delights in the heritage of the Lord, that is, God's people which implies that he is concerned about them, cares for them and is prepared to make sacrifices for them as he identifies with them.

He briefly derides those who think they are too smart to acknowledge and worship the only true God but would rather run after gods that have no credible track records. He further submits that such people are only storing up sorrows for themselves as the Amighty will have the last laugh. He states that personally he would find it embarrassing and humiliating to be caught carousing with such people as they celebrate in worship of their false gods.

The prophetic Psalmist then waxes lyrical about how he has made God the chief cornerstone and priority of his life, a factor which makes him immovable. He is therefore convinced that the fringe benefits for him include gladness of heart, impossibility of decay even if he dies as his God will bring him back to life because it is a spiritual illegality for falsehood to victoriously swallow up the truth. This assurance, according to the writer, makes him confident that with the help of the Almighty he will successfully navigate the dangerous terrain of his assignment and come out tops rejoicing forever in the presence of the Lord.

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