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The Vomit Of The Life

Translation stops: Nausea Authors: Sartre Books category Chinese Bulgarian Arab Language simplified to Czech English Neerlandés Danish Persian French Finn Georgian Greek German Hebrew Hungarian Hindi Japanese Italian Indonesio Korean Norwegian Malayan Polish Rumanian Portuguese Russian Chinese Thailander Swedish Serb traditional Vietnamese Uzbeko Turk * Title Authors To separate by semicolon (;) Original synopsis Nausea - Jean Paul Sartre key Obra to include/understand the French existencialismo, Nausea was published in 1938 and it was constituted in the work that catapulted to Sartre to the fame. From her we not only are before one of the greatest thinkers of century XX but before one of its better literatos. The work is opened with a "warning of the publishers" in who certainty is left that what it is going away to read is the newspapers of Antoine Roquetin dated in 1932. Antoine is a young person been in Bouville (France) after to have traveled by Central Europe, Africa of the North and the Far East, that is dedicated to conclude an historical investigation on the Marquess of Rollebon. The newspaper begins dateless with a leaf in which the protagonist reflects on the fact to write a newspaper, of how doing it and of the sense that can have that task. The conclusion is that it is written to include/understand, to be included/understood to itself. From we submerged here in a existencial itinerary dated and cronometrado in which the protagonist is briefing her works and their days, and also the ideas that furrow their mind. Thus we entered knowledge of its preoccupations, their joys and their fears and also of the progresses and stagnations of its investigation. Also they appear annotations on the quarter of hotel that occupies, the people whom it is crossed, the noise that makes the street cars under their window, etc. And it is through all these elements as we are being able to arm of progressive way puzzle of this life, an existence that develops in the emptiness, the weariness, the obsessive questions without answer, the impossibility of significant human relations, plagued of lies and mechanisms of defense or domination. They appear strange personages like the small bourgeois who also frequents the public library and that she tries to read all the books that there are in her, and who is them reading according to the alphabetical order of such. Another gallant personage is the employee of the cafeteria that maintains sexual relations with Antoine, relations in which do not mediate word nor token of affection. But also the places are strange by where the protagonist journeys, nocturnal streets poorly illuminated, empty coffees and where the dirt has settled in such a way that such they seem clean. The atmosphere of the novel is evidently onírico or surreal, and in the same way that the protagonist is lost in the middle of that city and of its searches also we lose ourselves with him and are invited to share their few certainties and their many questions, which become pressing more and more. Thus he is that Sartre locates to us of indirect way before the sensation of a life wasted, before the feeling of weariness, before the doubt, the obsession and the fear and before the question by the sense and fundamentación of the existence. Question that is answered of two ways, by opposition and of affirmative way. The first type of answer: the life does not find its fundamentación in any type of task, the knowledge, sex, the friendship, etc. The affirmative answer comes from the hand of the experience of nausea. What is nausea? The experience of the total infundamentación of the existence, of the total gratuidad, of which "the essential is the contingency", the existence is not necessary in any sense, is to be of absolute gratuidad and freedom there. But this experience is so radical, is to be to the edge of the abyss, that produces VOMIT No necessity can explain the existence and less still to condition it. After this deep revelation the protagonist dedicates itself to compenetrar itself with her, to assume it and to extract her consequences, which produces a radical change in its glance towards the world, the others and itself. Change that implies to face as in a dialectic spiral previous feelings and questions. It is impossible to escape to the questions and absurd which even settles with all force apparently is the sense of without sense, since the pretension to justify the existence follows present. For Sartre the life because it is justified by means of the attainment of a beautiful work "and lasts like the steel" that allows that people become aware from her own way to live. Sartre makes philosophy by means of Literature and Literature by means of the philosophy, and through the life of Antoine it makes us face to us ours. Really: one of the most dangerous Earth books.

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