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Karnatic Musicway,,,,(part 3)

In our last book we have seen the experience towards listening Karnatic music. After 5 times you listen to this music you will get interest to know and learn more all will rise
In your mind. You will never think to learn this music to impress others. This is the
Top most secret to be a good knowledge person in Karnatic music.

Once you get good knowledge, your mind will go polite you will be very soft to every one in the world. You will also get hanger only for reasonable reasons. UN like other
Music system Karnatic music has its own and natural system.

The system is found from the globe. The first note (sa) sadjam the sound is compared
With lot of birds, animals sound and after finally fixed to a peacock bird sound. It is understood a peacock has three stages the first stage is an infant. The second stage is with frequently moving and productivity stage. The third and final stage is maximum growth and dieing stage.

Within three stages of peacock the sound is observed sensitively and finally former
Indian fixed the very first note of sadjam. The every note is fixed inner feeling and
External reasons. The first note came from the sound of peacock. The peacock will
Raise its voice only to the vacations. Mostly for happiness and next for other

The peacock will rise its voice we understand that its for happiness. What kind of
Happiness all it?s for external reasons. If there is a dark cloud and good breeze,
As a sensitive bird it is able to understand huge and big rain is going to arrive soon.
Therefore it expresses its happiness.

If you compare with the other birds, peacock and few other birds only born to enjoy
The rain. Most of the birds will never come out from its nest for these reasons.
The peacock only the bird which understand the nature by its future sense.
Therefore ancient Indians named the first note sadnya.

What is sadnnya? This is actually from Sanskrit language. The pronunciation of
This sound is difficult. The lay man started pronouncing sadja?.. and later

Resumos Relacionados

- Karnaicmusic Way............

- Karnatic Musicway,,,,(part- 4)

- We Born To Enjoy In This World(sound)

- A Tiny Bird That Saved The Birds

- Individuality

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