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When We Will Find Earth Is Useful

Every one born in the world. Going to eduction and later to job. Getting marriage, creating one like us.
All that we are doing with little difference one to another. Just immagine If do not live in this earth atleast
above 500feet away from earth that you are living. If every one is not using for construction of house, factories,
bridge, dam, railway and much more what would be the earths position? it will be with all resources for all of us.

What next we will do with earth. We wil be doing all the things as above, but to collect food, water, power
and other required things we will come to earth and take them and fly to out home which is above 500 feet
hight. Once we look from our homes the earth will be very beutiful. As we are not using the earth there are
more chances of other growths. We should not miss to do some jobs in earth like food process, and to make
water resources available all the time. If things are like this no one will have interest on any metals like gold
and etc etc.

We willl alo feel more happy in our prayers by visting earth. We will also never care for any earth quake,
tsunami, and any natural dissorsters. All this is practically posible. If one family setteled like this,
naturaly another family will do the same. Later one village will follow. A town will follow, A state will
follow, A country wil follow, At lost all countries will follow. There will be no quaral. The first reason
is just change of place.

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- Earth

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