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The Language Of Fiction
(Dr Karanam Rao)

?The Language of Fiction? {by Dr Karanam Rao} The creative writer in India encounters many problems in the choice of his artistic medium and in the projection of his Indian experience in a language which has no natural environment in his society. He has to be scrupulous in wielding the language for purposes of using it creatively. More important, he has to constantly keep in his view the audience for whom he writes and present reality in all its veracity and truthfulness in a manner which must adapt his native tradition to the genius of English. Impaled on this dilemma, he confronts failure rather than serene success in his attempts to communicate the subtle nuances of his Indian sensibility and interpret and extend the ?felt life? into imaginative reality. The Indian English writer has thus not only to choose but also relate what he has chosen to what must suffice: the keenness of perception and the movement of life must flow into the alien idiom, simply and naturally, without distorting the truth or falsifying sensibility. It is obviously a difficult task fraught always with the danger of losing contact with reality on the extremes of exaggeration or over oversimplification. The prospects of his creative powers becoming exhausted is very real. If he presents realty, it is not an undiluted realty: and if he achieves ? representativeness? to his culture, it is not out of spontaneity, but at the cost of genuineness. The question simply is: whether the Indian writer is able to achieve he inter-fusion of what Remy de Gourmont calls ?the world of words? and the ?world of sensation? and articulate them to awaken an agonized recognition. This depends on ? the intimacy of adoption? and thelevel reached in ?the process of naturalization? This problem is squarely met an American or an Australian writer for whom English is the language of natural discourse and therefore, he is able to trap its resources most adequately to create the different nuances of feeling and emotion appropriately to the ethos he breathes in. But all this does not mean hat the Indian writer is incapable of expressing himself in English as adequately as his counterparts in the other native writers. There are writer who have circumvented the linguistic hurdles with a commendable measure of success and with their continuous experimentation have lent to the English language p.2a peculiarly Indian tone and color. For them English is no longer an ?alien ? language , but a part of India?s many languages and has been naturalized since a hundred and odd years of domicile. Besides Salman Rushdie who shot into literary fame with the publication of his ? Midnight?s Children?, we have a host of fiction writers like Vikarm Seth, Amitav Ghosh, Vikarm Chandra, Arundhati Roy, Jhumpa Lahri et al who had won both ?winnability? and respectability to the vast corpus of Indian English fiction.It has generated its own momentum, and carved its own niche, and is a match to any other writing in the west. *****

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