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(Phillippa Gregory)

Beatrice Lacey is a headstrong woman in the 18th century who whould do anything not to be torn away from her home. Her strange obsession with the land leads her down a dark and twisted path of deception and seduction.
The story takes place in 18th century England on a squired village named Wideacre. Beatrice Lacey, unfortunately just a hapless daughter is haunted by thoughts of someday being forced to leave her wonderful home and marry. Her jealousy and anguish leads her down the path of the unthinkable; paved with murder, incest and adultery. This dark tale will keep you guessing as you struggle to figure out what Beatrice will do next.
The debut novel from Phillippa Gregory is captivating from beginning to end. She provides you with a range of characters that you just can't help but loveto hate. "Wideacre" floods with passion and intrigue as it takes you through the caverns of Beatrice's mind and down the narrow path to her stunning conclusion.
"Wideacre" is the first installment of the trilogy which leaves you coming back for more. It's easy to get lost in the village as you begin to wonder what other secrets are lurking around the corners of "Wideacre."

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