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Diet South Beach
(artur agatston)

Almost everyone,especially women have been dieted,starvations,detox,2or3 days diets.It gaves better or worst effect but ends was always the same after of few days of our dieted the weight came back or was bigger.Diet South Beach,what is it?Author famous doctor prepared a great program to help pacient to lose a weight and minimaze to be a diabetist or heart attack.This program has 3 phrases,during this diet you change your metabolism.During the first phase you can lose beetwen 4-6kg takes 2 weeks,you can't eat:bread,rice,potatoes,pasta,and fruits also you can't drink an alcohol(no beers no wines).You can eat the normal porcions of beef,chicken,fish or sea food.You also can eat vegetables,eags,cheeses,salads with dip.You can eat till you don't feel a hunger.You will eat 3 meals,also you can eat same small snck and even a dessert.After 2 weeks starts second phase-it takes as long as you want you will lose beetwen 0.5-1kg per week.When you will be happy with your new figure you will start the last phase which will be your new way of life to keep you slim and heathy-it wan't be a diet any more.
The South Beach Diet is healthy,easy and works.During this diet we don't feel hunger and we lose weight

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