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The Other Side Of The Story
(Keyes; Marian)

She keeps on doing it, the Irish masteress

of wit. Chick-lit some would say, and sure, Keyes's books are easy to read,

laugh at, cry at. Those kind of books that can at least assist in helping you

getting over a bad break-up, loss of job - a drug addiction even! From her

first books, Watermelon, and Rachel's holiday, to her latest, The Other side of

The story and Under the Duvet, Keyes are not shying away from the heavy

topics. So tough subjects, yet easy reading? Well, it doesn't hurt laughing at

the misery is clearly Keyes's motto...and so is that of her readers. Chick-lit or

not - these are books that have sold in millions. Keyes nails down the

postmodern, confused thirty-something to a tee and does it over and over


The Other Side of the Story tells the tale of Gemma, Lily and Jojo - the first

two of whom are friends turned enemies - and all over a man of course. Jojo

is the literary agent who first discover Lily's talents, then Gemma's, and, in so

doing, ends up brokering peace between the two. This is the story in a nut-

shell, but in Keyesian-style, the twists, turns and stomach-churning it takes

to get there are true to the author's usual core. With wit dripping off the page

and some love, work and ambition thrown in with it, Keyes has created a

story where women are trying to make sense of society's claims tothe

possibility of 'having it all' -the prince, the shoes, and the money to buy

them. But as always, there are morals and lessons to be learnt - when dealing

with tough subjects the solutions are seldom straight-forward or superficial.

In The Other Side of the Story, just as in her previous books - Rachel's

Holiday especially - the remedy contains facing facts and one-self.

Keyes never lets anyone escape that bit.


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