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The Homeward Bounders
(Diana Wynne Jones)

Jamie is just a normal twelve year old
until he stumbles upon a gathering of mysterious entities that use entire
worlds as the boards for their games. As a result Jamie is exiled to wander
through the worlds until he reaches his home world, just like the Flying
Dutchman who helps Jamie understand just how dangerous these demons
are. This makes Jamie a homeward bounder, a random factor in the games of
these monstrosities. As a homeward bounder Jamie cannot die although
anyone who steals or attempts to interfere with him does, it is one of the
Rules of the game.

After leaving the Flying Dutchman he comes across Prometheus chained to a
rock and discovers that it is the strange entities who have chained him there.
When Jamie accidentally touches the chain he is sent into another world
where one of the monstrosities attempts to erase his memory of Prometheus.
Despite this, the sound of a rattling chain helps Jamie to recall the vital

Travelling between worlds Jamie is lonely. This lasts only until he meets
Helen, another homeward bounder who has the power to change her hand
into anything. After a brush with cannibals where Helen saves them Jamie is
astounded to hear that helen already knows more about the different worlds,
even though she has only recently become a homeward bounder.

In another war-torn world the two discover yet another new homeward
bounder, Joris, who reveals that they can travel between worlds freely. Joris a
demon hunter and slave to the legendary Konstram.

The next hospitable world they travel to is remarkably like Jamie?s home
world. There, they meet Adam and Venessa, the first two people to believe
what they say about the strange entities. Venessa comes up with an
improbable plan to beat the masters at their own game. Then Konstram, Joris?
master arrives with a more likely although no less suicidal plan. When they
are defeated Jamie is sent back to Adam?s world only to discover that it is his
home world, but after a hundred years have passed it will never again be his

After having lost all hope Jamie travels to Prometheus in one last act of
defiance. But without Jamie?s hope the anchor of hope that binds the chains
around Prometheus is destroyed, ultimately setting them all free. Everyone,
that is accept Jamie who still has no home and must wander the worlds in
order to preserve humanity?s tenuous freedom.

Homeward Bounder is, like all of Diana Wynne Jones? novels deeply thought
provoking and completely absorbing.

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